Ngā mihi nui. Thank your for submitting your Papakāinga Expression of Interest. We will be in touch once your application has been assessed. Please note we do not have any housing currently available, but we do hold a waitlist.
To be eligible for a whare in the Papakāinga development you must meet the criteria outlined below.
The tenants must bekaumātua, individuals and whānau who belong to (in order):
Mana Whenua (Ngāti Rārua and Te Ātiawa ki Motueka);
Registered shareholders of Wakatū Incorporation who whakapapa to those original tupuna (the 254) identified by the Native Land Court in 1892 and listed on the 1892 list of original owners;
Registered members of the iwi entities of Ngāti Rārua and Te Ātiawa ki Te Tauihu;
Registered members of the iwi entities of Ngāti Tama and Ngāti Koata;
Registered members of the iwi entities of Kurahaupō ki Te Tauihu / Mataawaka; and
Community members.
All tenants will also need to contribute actively to the Te Āwhina Marae (TAM) community which means that they will:
Contribute to the cultural, social and environmental well-being of TAM. This could include supporting with pōwhiri, paepae, tangihanga, wharekai duties, hosting, parekore (waste programme), maara kai etc;
Uphold the tikanga and values of TAM;
Participate in identified programmes of TAM and the papakāinga which could include: financial literacy, arts, nutrition, gardens, maara kai, working bees etc;
Participate in TAM whānau, hapū, Marae and papakāinga meetings (where applicable);
Understand and adhere to the policies of TAM i.e. Papakāinga, Tupono, Alcohol / Drugs / Smoking, Health and Safety etc; and
Any other reasonable requests that will benefit TAM and the whānau and hapū of TAM.
In addition to the above:
All applicants will complete an Expression of Interest Application form which will be kept in their file, should they become tenants;
Selected applicants will attend an interview for the whare;
The relevant policies will be made available to tenants;
TAM will ask for a police and credit check of applicants; and
The final decision on tenant selection will be decided by the Te Āwhina Marae Board.